Tarte Tatin


No-Fat Banana Chocolate Ice Cream (Gluten-Free too!)

I tested this recipe with my dear Rocky in mind (my almost-two-year-old granddaughter), who loves ice cream like any toddler. We try not to give  her store-bought ice cream because of its high sugar and fat content. Making the ice cream at home is an option, of course, but not everyone owns an ice-cream maker—you don’t need one for this dish. I was excited about testing this dish, after my good friend Tatiana served it as an after-dinner dessert. You need only 2 ingredients, it has zero-fat, and since the bananas are naturally sweet, you don't need to add any sweetener. It's one of the simplest, but most rewarding recipes I have ever tested -- try it!


4 bananas, very ripe and soft but not mushy
5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (or to your taste)


Peel the bananas and slice into half-inch coins. Put in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours. Process the coins in a food processor until soft and creamy – you will need to be patient and have to keep scraping down the sides of the bowl and redistributing the banana clumps, but the mixture will eventually become soft and creamy.

Add the cocoa powder by 2-3 tablespoons at a time and stir it in with a small spatula (to prevent losing some of the powder to the lid of the processor; process until well-combined. You can use less or more cocoa powder, depending on how light or dark you want the ice cream to look. Makes 3 to 4 cups.

1 comment:

  1. An amazing recipe. I'm gonna try it for my gluten free daughter. Many thanks.
