Tarte Tatin


Talbos ng Kamote Salad (Sweet Potato Tops Salad)

Yet another use for my Anchovy-Mustard Vinaigrette, this time with a very Filipino ingredient -- talbos ng kamote, or sweet potato baby leaves.I had mentioned in another blog that I recently discovered this Asian vegetable farm close to home, and these talbos ng kamote were among my purchases. I haven't had these veggies in a long long while, so I figured that since I still have some of that vinaigrette that I recently made, I'd make a healthy salad for a side dish for lunch. I "blanched and shocked" the talbos (dip them in boiling salted water for 2 minutes, then put them in a bowl of iced water to stop the cooking; dry on paper towels or spin in a salad spinner). I happened to have a pomegranate at hand, so I added some of its seeds and some slices of fresh tomatoes (you can add any fruits or veggies you have at hand). I was having pork adobo and rice, and this was such an excellent accompaniment. My tummy thanked me afterwards!
I'm re-posting below the recipe for the Anchovy-Mustard Vinaigrette, so you won't have to go traipsing about this blog to look for it:

1/2 cup olive oil
5 tablespoons red-wine vinegar (or your favorite flavored vinegar)
2-3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2-3 garlic cloves, very finely minced
2-3 anchovy fillets, chopped coarsely
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste


Whisk all the ingredients vigorously until emulsified; save left-over vinaigrette in a lidded jar and refrigerate till next use. Just keep in mind when seasoning with salt that the anchovies already add a bit of saltiness, so taste, taste, taste, until your taste buds tell you it's ok.

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