Tarte Tatin


What is GLUTEN?

Gluten is a special type of protein found in foods processed from wheat, barley and rye. It helps dough rise and gives bread its structure, shape and texture. When the proteins in the dough absorb water, and they are pulled and stretched when the dough is kneaded, the gluten is developed into flexible strands, which trap the gas bubbles produced by the yeast--this is what
causes the dough to expand or rise. When the bread is heated (baked), these gluten strands solidify, giving the bread its chewy texture. [Photo of wheat is from Wikipedia.]

Flours used for making cakes, on the other hand, have a low protein content, which is why they are soft and tender and not chewy like bread. Recipes for cakes also call for: (1) more shortening (to lubricate the strands so they do not stick together); (2) less liquid (which gluten needs to get developed); and (3) less handling/kneading of the dough (kneading develops the gluten).

Gluten is a composite of gliadin and glutelin proteins. Although gluten is found in most types of cereals and breads, not all grains contain gluten—some grains that do not contain gluten are: amaranth, buckwheat, corn, millet, quinoa, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and rice. Corn and rice are sometimes called glutens, but their proteins are different from wheat gluten because they lack the gliadin component.

A growing number of people are being diagnosed with gluten intolerance due to celiac disease, a genetic disorder in which the body’s immune system has an abnormal reaction to the gliadin protein. Celiac disease is different from wheat allergy. Symptoms of celiac disease may include diarrhea, weight loss, bone pain, malnutrition and deficiency in nutrients, bloated feeling, and ill health, among others. People who are gluten intolerant should avoid eating foods with gluten for the rest of their life.

Gluten is found mostly in wheat, barley and rye products. Studies are still being made to determine whether oats have gluten.


  1. The good news is that they now have gluten-free beer!! I wonder where the gluten comes from in ordinary beer (besides wheat in a wheat beer? Do hps have gluten?

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